
Descrption:TRON is one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world.TRON is an ambitious project dedicated to the establishment of a truly decentralized Internet and its infrastructure. The current TRON team radiates out from Beijing to Seoul, Tokyo, San Francisco and many other countries and regions, totaling more than 100 members. The technological backbones of TRON are experienced blockchain enthusiasts who were previously employed by internet giants such as Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu.

GitHub tronprotocol/java-tron
Update Date 2018 Oct 11 09:10:07
Circulating Supply 65,748,111,000
Total Supply 99,000,001,000
Max Supply 0
Price $0.020592533
Volume 24h $123,800,616
Market Cap $1,353,920,260
Change 24h -9.31%
Update Date September 26th 2018, 2:10:15 am



Principle and design goals

In the beginning of designing the TRON, the following core values were implemented from beginning to end: 

    1. The data producer (user) will have the fundamental ownership of data, and the Internet should exist in the form of decentralization  

    2. Everyone who contribute to the wave field ecosystem, according to the proportion of income will be in accordance with the rules of value network, the biggest advantage is the ability to with social media network in every little bit digital asset-like 

    3. All forms of contribution should have the same quantitative value Participants investment of time, for example, making good content, attention to nature and provide capital have the same measure value 

    4. Wave field ecosystem's fundamental purpose is to serve the wave field is run by the non-profit foundation in ecological,Its goal is to create the service the world enjoy content mass entertainment, not create profits wave field all participants will benefit from the prosperity of field ecosystem itself wavelengths, 

    5. Content should be produced in person, rather than capital, capital is applied to reward people, not control such as wen gen industry core driving force should be for art, the content itself, the pursuit of quality, should demand from content creators, artists, writers, rather than the content itself does not consume the capitalists  

Technology implementation

Consensus mechanism

TRON's consensus adopts a three-step strategy. In the first step, the technology system based on Kafka is adopted to realize the centralized consensus algorithm. The goal is to realize the joint debugging and joint testing of the system and functional integration.In the second step, the distributed consensus mechanism based on Raft was adopted to realize the leap from centralization to distribution. In this step, functions such as network distribution were gradually improved, laying a foundation for the final realization of the wide-area full distribution without logical center.The third step is to implement the consensus mechanism of PoS, and implement the Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus confirmed based on the margin mechanism + epoch. 28 is also compatible with the integration consensus of PoS and PoW. Currently, the open source code of TRON realizes the central consensus algorithm of the first stage and the distributed consensus algorithm of the second stage is being developed and tested.

Accounts and transactions

Expandable Account model :UTXO model + Account abstract TRON has been improved based on the model of UTXO easy parallel computing.To make data manageable and easy to program,TRON introduced the concept of a world state lightweight state tree, where each asset maintains a global state that is fast, searchable, immutable, and easy to prove

Smart contract system

    Determinism and terminability are the two properties of intelligent contractYou have to figure out how to exclude non-deterministic factors.  

    COINS inside a script engine, its instruction set is very simple and not turing-complete, be terminated, so the intelligence of the currency contracts are deterministic Ethernet fang virtual machine (EVM entry) is the etheric fang ciic can contract running environment, the etheric fang intelligent contract system function is not deterministic, but contracts with path will be deterministic, can cause an extensibility of important performance loss, it can be realized by using the meter steps.the Hyperledger Fabric [4] intelligence using the Docker as contract execution environment. COINS inside a script engine, its instruction set is very simple and not turing-complete, be terminated, so the intelligence of the currency contracts are deterministic Ethernet fang virtual machine (EVM entry) is the etheric fang ciic can contract running environment, the etheric fang intelligent contract system function is not deterministic, but contracts with path will be deterministic, can cause an extensibility of important performance loss, it can be realized by using the meter steps.the Hyperledger Fabric [4] intelligence using the Docker as contract execution environment.

    In order to give attention to both deterministic and can be terminated and the Virtual Machine, lightweight and flexible container plan written language of these advantages, TRON preparation in the future development of lightweight TVM (TRON Virtual Machine) as its intelligent contract execution environment, it is very fast startup, occupancy resources are also small TRON Virtual data fitting Machine instructions directly to arrays and complex data structures provide support that will improve the performance of the contract TRON intelligence TRON network planning for tokens, transfer and intelligent operation and contractsStorage is charged to provide financial incentives to bookkeepers and prevent resource abuse.

    Future TRON smart contract developers can directly use almost any high-level language they are good at for the development of TRON smart contract. The first batch of programs to support the development of TRON smart contract are Java.

     Pictured above is the TRON intelligent agreement model: a piece of code (smart) contract, run in the intelligent virtual machine contract, be deployed in the replication of sharing books chain (blocks), TRON has carried on the life cycle management of intelligent contracts, respectively is: build, deploy, develop, rollback, terminate it can maintain its own state, control their own assets and receive the outside information transactions or responding to the external information exchange . 



    The  TRON   is designed to solve the monetization of content economy fundamentally. It is a set of mechanism that generates content with economic incentives. However, economic incentives achieved through cryptography through cryptography can significantly promote the growth of content platform individuals.

    Name layer: node identification is performed using PKI public key infrastructure, which is the secret message hash node of the public key to store its public or private key (the private key is protected by password).  

Distributed storage protocol

P2P distributed storage system  : TRFS 

Bitcoin、  Ethereum   and other block chain network has showed center The Internet is a technical innovation period of rapid change, COINS Etheric lane and other block chain network has showed center affairs books available, these public books can handle complex mental contract application of billions of dollars worth of digital assets These systems provide the Internet level open service, participants form a network without center, provide payment services with no center management wave field (TRON TRFS) is a distributed storage system based on P2P, no center aims to build a network of storage supportThe sharing and transmission of tens of billions of files across peer networks radically changes the storage mode of data and maximizes the performance of digital information storage access.

TRFS transforms storage from cloud mode to a market model based on algorithm and rule operation based on blockchain and based on virtual currency TRX to conduct transactions, that is, earn TRX from the client by providing storage.Instead, the client take the TRX storage and distribution of data is similar to the currency, the competition between the miners dug piece reward, but TRFS its mining capacity is proportional to the miners to provide storage space and provide a useful service for the client (not like COINS, miners work only useful to block chain consensus), it formed a very strong drive to stimulate miners contribution more storage space as far as possible, these resources for use in the client agreement of lease building to supply a self-healing storage network with external use, network by copying and dispersed storage contentRobustness, and can automatically detect and repair replication errors the client can choose different according to different threat degree and the level of replication parameters for protection of the data, the storage network also provide other aspects of security guarantees, than such as content on the client side for end-to-end encryption, and storage providers cannot obtain the corresponding decryption key。

TRFS is composed of a multi-layer protocol stack, which is composed of modules to define the corresponding interface standards between the whole layers, including the following five layers :

1. Name layer: node identification is made using PKI public key infrastructure, which is the secret message hash node of public key to store its public and private key (private key is protected by password).  

2. Data presentation layer;Merkle[1] directed acyclic graph is adopted to build arbitrarily complex data structures without centralized writers. Its feature is that the persistence storage based on content addressing object supports arbitrary data structure modeling and tolerance of network partitioning and merging. It is a trusted decentralized persistent Web 。

3. Swap layer: responsible for coordinating the transmission of data. Once the connection is established between nodes, the transmission and replication of content addressing blocks can be carried out through the swap protocol.

4. Routing layer: localization peer and object serve two purposes: node routing (find other nodes) and content routing (find data published to TRFS). The routing layer defines a common interface, and any implementation that meets and implements this interface can be used by TRFS.

5. Network layer: it provides point-to-point reliable or non-reliable transmission between two wave field (TRON) nodes, processing NAT penetration (hole port mapping and relay), supports encrypted signature and multiple transmission protocols (TCP SCTP UDP, etc.), and supports multiplexing of connection streams. 

Cross-chain and exchange technology

Special technology

Economic model and incentive

The wave field is designed to solve the monetization of content economy fundamentally. It is a set of mechanism that generates content with economic incentives. However, economic incentives achieved through cryptography through cryptography can significantly promote the growth of content platform individuals.

TRON will put forward a set of perfect mechanism to to evaluate personal ecological contribution Number of most existing platform using a single user votes, such mechanisms are easy to brush ticket and refuse the request control and attack Now in the content of the platform has been controlled by profit pursuit and centralized mechanism, we see is the content of the centralized platform contents that we see, the content of the rather than we would like to see the contents of the microblogging, today's headlines,Algorithm of information flow in the micro letter public platform, Facebook is not fair, and gradually becoming tool platform can be manipulated to advertising platform as their first profit pattern, baidu's hive, today's headlines advertising recommendation algorithm, to maintain the public widely click-through, weibo promotion plan, taobao advertising channels are typical variable model, and cannot be content to give fu can attract traffic itself.

While wave field hope through the way of decentralization, economic incentive system itself becomes a can carry on the circulation system in the system, users can really have a enjoy content platform that oneself like, at the same time also will not conflict with the profit pursuit of platform wave form of autonomous system, members will be unprecedented fu to ecological, make its formation ecological autonomy, rather than by now already desertification flat user mechanism in the ecological management and decision-making, the wave field is only allowed to participate in for years to periodically defrosted TRX users to vote onUnder such a model, community members would be encouraged to hold TRX for the long term, which would maximize the long term value of TRON 

Governance mechanism

The Tron Foundation is established with the approval of the Singapore accounting and enterprise authority (ACRA) and is governed by the company act of Singapore, which is managed and operated independently of the government by a board of trustees or management committee consisting of trustees .

Regulatory risk: absence of the digital assets, including TRX trading has a very high uncertainty, due to the digital asset trading is still lack of strong regulation, thus electronic tokens exist in sudden fall risk by banker manipulation, and so on and so forth, if the lack of experience, after the individual participants in the market may find it difficult to resist the market instability caused by the impact of assets and psychological pressure even academic experts officer party media would suggest caution in all from time to time, but there is no regulation method and the provisions of a written out, so is difficult to effectively avoid the risk.

Risk of regulatory introduction: it is undeniable that in the foreseeable future, there will be regulations to regulate and regulate the areas of blockchain and electronic tokens. If the regulatory subject regulates the area, the tokens purchased during the ICO period may be affected, including but not limited to fluctuations or restrictions in price and marketability. 



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